The Hollister Ranch is an exquisite 14,400 acre ranch perfectly nestled between Gaviota and
Point Conception. Originally part of the 1794 Spanish land grant to Jose Francisco Ortega from
the King of Spain, the property was acquired by the Hollister Family in 1869, and has remained
a working cattle ranch ever since. Ownership of the ranch was passed to the Hollister Ranch
Owner’s Association in 1976 and further developed on a common commitment to a tradition of
stewardship, sustainability and preservation. This continued deep respect for the property has
set it apart as one of the most highly regarded portions of coastline for the most discerning
ranchers, surfers and investors alike.
There are a number of methods in which title can be conveyed on the Hollister Ranch, each
with unique rights and abilities.
A Whole Parcel
One option of ownership on the Hollister Ranch is to secure one of its 136 perfectly unique 100-acre parcels that allows for a principal residence, a guest house, and potential for both a barn and agricultural employee residence.
A 1/3 Undivided Interest
The majority of Hollister Ranch owners have entered into partnerships in which the ownership
rights of the parcel have been divided into thirds. A common misconception is that the land is
split into three equal 33.33-acre portions. Rather, the 1/3 undivided interest entitles the
owners to equal use of the property (hence the term “undivided”). For this reason, building
rights may vary between the principal residence, the guesthouse (accessory structure) and
agricultural employee residence (accessory structure).
The Principal Residence
Perhaps the most sought after, and certainly the most valuable, is a 1/3 undivided interest with “main house building rights”. This type of ownership allows for the owner exclusive rights to build the main (or sometimes referred to as the “principal”) residence on the designated parcel and live full time on the property if so desired. There are no restrictions as to size or type of construction other than those imposed by the HR CCR’s, County and Coastal Commission Zoning Ordinances.
The Guesthouse (Accesory Structure)
The “guesthouse” building rights secure an opportunity to build up to 800 square feet of living space, but do not allow for a full kitchen or full time habitation of the structure. A guesthouse can be built simultaneously with the main residence or after the main residence. It can not be built prior to a main residence and SB County Building guidelines specify that the guesthouse must be built inside a 2 acre “building envelope”. There have been exceptions to this policy however they are rare.
The Agricultural Employee Residence (Accessory Structure)
The “agricultural employee residence” is the third allowable building structure that may be permitted on a single 100-acre parcel. This structure may only be constructed after the County Agricultural Preserve Committee determines that there is a viable agricultural operation currently on site. Ag operations that qualify for an employee residence have varied over the years, but some have been: Horse Breeding, Flower Farms, Olive Orchards, Succulent Production, Organic Fruit Orchard, and Lemon Orchards. Due to the subjective nature of each type of operation and the changing opinions of the Ag Preserve Committee, this type of structure is very difficult to receive approval for.
Access Interests
The third option of ownership on the Ranch is known as an “access interest” that does not
include any building rights, but does offer full access to the Hollister Ranch and all of its
common areas. These partnerships vary between 1/12 to 1/3 undivided interests, and have
been “grandfathered” in after the HR membership voted to disallow further partnership
division in 1988.